Monday, February 4, 2008

A meditation story

The year was 1987.  The time was 9:32 pm.  I was sitting up in bed, when suddenly I had this great idea.  I wondered what it would be like to think nothing, and so began a six month long journey to clear the mind of all thought.  That night I worked myself up into quiet a tizzy trying to think nothing.  Waking up in the morning found me slightly depressed, but doubly motivated.  In the following months, I slowly worked through my mental process, cataloguing where it was that I was thinking.  Slowly I was able to calm the active parts of my mind until all that was left was this stubborn black mist and the thought “I am thinking nothing”.  I spent a good solid month confused.  To me I was able to think nothing quite easily now, but it just did not seem right.  One night, a little over six months after my initial thought, I realized that what I was doing was thinking “I am thinking nothing”.  In that earth shattering moment, my mind cleared, leaving only emptiness behind.  I do not know how long that first moment lasted, but over the years I have built on it and made the study of meditation one of my passions.

I will freely admit that I am proud of the fact that I did what I did when I was four years old.  I am also proud that I have built on my initial experience since then and have achieved some wonderful things.  I look forward to sharing them with the world too.


(Though I have spent most of my life in meditation, it seems that my ego has as well =^_^=)